Research is now confirming: moderate movement in the classroom can improve focus and concentration. Often the simplest thing can help, like standing up, slight chair movements or resting your feet on a footrest. Our collection of healthy movement school chairs and student desks incorporate the benefits of this movement into the classroom.
School rocking chairs allow the child to move in a safe an uninterrupted way. These classroom chairs can be useful in a daycare or library setting as well in the classroom while sitting at a desk. Standing desks or desks with swing bars allow students move without being a distraction to the rest of the class.

Balancing Style & Purpose
Sitting still is not the same as paying. With the help of our healthy movement school chairs and desks students can engage in dynamic sitting, which involves moving their arms and legs in order to stay alert and engaged.
Balancing style and purpose for any setting, Classroom Concepts offers healthy movement solutions that work.